Reform Islam
Reform Islam England: Restoring True Islam to Its Qur'anic Roots
Reform Islam England is a pioneering initiative based in Derby, England, dedicated to restoring Islam to its original teachings as found in the Qur'an.
Over centuries, Islam has been shaped by sectarian interpretations, particularly through the blind adherence to hadith collections, leading to contradictions with the Qur'anic message.
Our mission is to reform Islam by rejecting innovations that have distorted its essence and aligning it with the monotheistic teachings found in the Qur'an, Gnostic Christianity, and the Ten Commandments of the Torah.
The Problem: The Rise of Hadith-Based Sectarianism
The vast majority of Muslims today unknowingly follow "Muhammadanism," a distortion of Islam that elevates Prophet Muhammad to an almost divine status.
This is done through the unquestioning acceptance of hadith books compiled centuries after the Prophet's death, which often contradict the Qur'an.
The Qur'an itself warns against following any source other than its divine revelations:
"Shall I seek a judge other than God, while it is He who has revealed to you the Book explained in detail?"
Qur'an: Chapter 6 Verse 114
Hadith collections such as Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim contain accounts that undermine the ethical and rational teachings of Islam.
For example, hadiths that permit the killing of apostates (Bukhari 52:260) or the stoning of adulterers (Muslim 17:4192) contradict the
Qur'an’s own stance, which prescribes no such punishments (Qur'an: Chapter 24 Verse 2).
This misinterpretation of Islam has directly led to the rise of sectarianism within the Sunni Faith, creating factions such as Salafism and Deobandism, which promote rigid, extremist ideologies.
The Qur'an condemns such divisions:
"As for those who divided their religion and became sects, you have nothing to do with them. Their affair is with God, then He will inform them about what they used to do."
Qur'an: Chapter 6 Verse 159
The Qur'anic Solution: Returning to God’s Pure Message
Reform Islam England advocates for a return to the Qur'an as the sole source of Islamic guidance.
Unlike the hadith, the Qur'an is the preserved word of God, promising no contradictions (Qur'an: Chapter 4 Verse 82).
Our approach aligns with:
The Ten Commandments of the Torah, which emphasize monotheism, justice, and morality (Exodus 20:1-17).
The teachings of Gnostic Christianity, which reject dogmatic religious authority and focus on direct spiritual connection with God.
The message of Prophet Muhammad himself, who was commanded to follow only what was revealed to him (Qur'an 10:15).
Our Goals and Activities
Reform Islam England is committed to the following:
Education & Awareness:
Offering Qur'an-focused lectures, discussions, and online content.
Publishing books and articles that challenge hadith-based distortions.
Organizing interfaith dialogues with Christians and Jews to highlight Islam’s true Abrahamic foundations.
Community Building & Mosque Reform:
Establishing prayer spaces free from sectarian influences.
Encouraging English-language services to promote inclusivity.
Removing cultural and ritualistic practices not mandated by the Qur'an.
Countering Extremism:
Debunking extremist ideologies that use hadith to justify violence.
Promoting a message of peace and unity rooted in Qur'anic ethics.
Engaging with at-risk youth to prevent radicalization.
Humanitarian Efforts:
Running food banks and charitable initiatives in alignment with Qur’anic values of social justice (Qur'an 2:177).
Supporting the marginalized and advocating for ethical leadership within the Muslim community.
The Call to Action
Reform Islam England is more than an organization, it is a movement to restore Islam’s true essence and counter the centuries of distortion caused by sectarianism and blind adherence to hadith.
Our goal is to build a unified, peaceful Muslim community rooted in the direct guidance of God’s words.
We invite all truth-seeking Muslims and interfaith allies to join us in this effort.
Together, we can reclaim Islam from man-made distortions and return to the divine message of the Qur'an.